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January/February 2025

All in a Name...Iddo

“She is not going to like that name” was what I told my son shortly after the birth of one of his daughters. We were having a private discussion in the isolated hospital waiting room. You see, in our family, we value (and thoroughly research each of the three names) we have given to our sons and they, in true family tradition, do the same. But, this one name! I just wasn’t sure, but they were. The name held meaning to them.

Needless to say, Bible names are quite unique and phonetically challenging to read. I’d like to think I have the necessary skills to master their pronunciation. When I happened upon the name, “Iddo” in my readings, I was quite intrigued. In Mark Rutland’s book, Of Kings and Prophets, he details the life and responsibleness of Iddo, the lesser-known Prophet. How had I missed this name in the past?

Aha! Iddo’s name is not written in the Old Testament but is referenced several times in the Talmud, a commentary written by famous rabbis about the Old Testament. I’m learning new stuff every day! The Talmud is very important in Judaic history and culture, but they are not Scripture. However, it’s important to know what the Talmud says. This “Iddo” is also called a “Man of God.” Iddo prophesies over King Jeroboam; Jeroboam doesn’t like it; points to Iddo, and says, “Seize him” then King Jeroboam’s arm becomes like wood. Jeroboam begs Iddo to restore his hand; Iddo prays for Jeroboam and healing grace was administered (1 Kings 13). Isn’t that an amazing story? In the midst of rebellion, God still shows up!

Aren’t you thankful that in the midst of our lives, and maybe some rebellion, God always shows up? I’m thankful that he uses His Word, modern-day prophets, loved ones and others to speak into our hearts and lives! So, no matter what your name is (Mary, Martha, Lucy, Luthian or Iddo), He has called you and anointed you to do good work!

So, here is what I want you to do, God helping you, take your everyday, ordinary life, your sleeping, eating, going to work, walking around life, and place it before God as an offering. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out in you and develops well-formed maturity in you. Message Bible, Romans 12:1-2.