2025 Fine Arts & Bible Quiz Information
It Fine Arts Festival time again! In case you haven’t been able to participate the last few years, I want to remind you of recent changes to the program. Instead of “being judged” against other competitors and prizes being awarded to only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, each participant will be evaluated based on their ability and potential only, with valuable advice and mentoring given. In short, there is no “competition”. It is each person being given a score and helpful critiques to further develop their gifts. Each score given falls into Superior, Excellent, Good, or Fair scoring ranges with scholarships being awarded to those with scores falling in the Superior, Excellent, and Good range. This is a great opportunity for our students looking to attend an IPHC university!
The conference level event for New Horizons Ministries will tentatively be held at Harvest Church in Sand Springs, OK on March 29th. Check-in will begin at 8:30, and the festival will begin at 9:00. Once we have a count for all participants, I will let everyone know expectations for that day including updated times, lunch plans, or if another method of evaluation would benefit our participants.
All registration forms must be received at the New Horizons’ Conference Office no later than March 3rd. The fee for an individual entry is $20 per category. The fee for a group is $40 per category entered.
The National Fine Arts Festival will be held at Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, GA on July 16th-20th.
Please refer to the New Horizons Ministries’ website for entry forms and for the full Fine Arts Festival guidelines. If you have any questions, let me know!
Thank you,
Stephanie Barrineau
NHM Fine Arts Coordinator