March/April 2025
Is Your Church an ABC Church or a DRS Church?
While reading Lee Grady’s excellent book “Follow Me (Make Disciples the Way Jesus Did),“ I was reminded that in our time of Church Growth, Mega-Churches, and Internet Services, a personal approach to witnessing, evangelism, and discipleship is still important. Now, before you take that opening sentence wrong, I am not opposed to Church Growth, Mega Churches or Internet Services; I believe each of these has its place in the Church, the Body of Christ, and the IPHC. I just found myself prompted to re-evaluate the emphasis the Church is currently placing on each other to perform like others.
What is an ABC Church? According to Grady’s conversation with a minister who complained that his denomination had reduced ministry to the “ABCs of Attendance, Building and Cash.” While we do have reporting for our churches that includes tithing and attendance counts, we also have reporting areas showing church membership, spiritual experiences, and discipleship enrollment. If our churches only focus on Attendance (those coming to services), Buildings (the physical location of our church meetings) and Cash (tithe & offering totals), it can be discouraging if we don’t measure up to other churches in our communities, districts and conference. While statistics are important, they can’t be the only measurement for the effectiveness of our local churches.
What is a DRS Church? This is the Church that focuses more on the personal approach to ministry: Discipleship, Relationships, and Stewardship. Discipleship is best one-on-one. Jesus had 12 close friends/disciples that he poured his teaching and life into; he had 3 that received even more as His Inner Circle. Relationships do not happen pulpit-to-congregation; they happen one-on-one or in small groups: getting to know each other, praying together, and bearing each others’ burdens. Stewardship is how resources are developed, distributed, and deployed; not just the amount of money received but how the funds are used, consumed, and invested.
Do we have to choose to be only an ABC Church or a DRS Church? NO! Can we be both? YES! Our goal should be to be both statistical by keeping good records so we can measure our efforts numerically and spiritual by placing emphasis on personal time with each other. With increased attendance, better buildings, and sufficient cash, we can provide opportunities for discipleship, relationships, and stewardship in our churches with programs, ministries, and services to connect people to each other. Let us gather2GO!