bishop's desk copy
January/February 2025


…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:13-14

I love a clean calendar filled with empty squares – just waiting to be filled with events, opportunities, and activities. Looking at an unmarked calendar fills my heart and mind with so many possibilities. Where will I go this year? What meetings will I attend? What trips will I take? How will God direct me in my days?

As we reach to the future, the new year, and the empty calendar, let us put the cares, troubles, anxieties, failures, and struggles behind us and look with hope, anticipation, excitement, faith, and determination to this year. Though we can never completely forget the past, we can release last year to God. We did our best. We made it through last year. We are in a new year with open eyes and hearts.

As we prayerfully consider what to write on our calendars, let us ponder, deliberate, and contemplate what our words and actions will mean in 2025. As we accept meetings, what do we want to accomplish in this time? As we plan trips, will these excursions benefit us and our Christian life? As we pause to reflect on our days, weeks, and months, will we look back at the end of the year with satisfaction or disappointment? If we allow God to direct us and our paths, we will accomplish much, succeed in life, triumph in our testimonies, and defeat the enemy.

Let us do our best to honor God this year. Let us gather2GO!

- 2025: IPHC Year of Prayer -